Digital porfolios are an easy way to showcase your work online, they are easily accessible which allows many opportunities for worldwide work. The software used to create a portfolio makes it easy to update often and add new work, this means its effortless to keep up to date.However creating the portfolio for web means that the file format has to be specific to online use, choosing the right file format can be difficult, especially if you need the portfolio to be accesible for multiple browsers. I will be exporting my portfolio as a swf. file as I'll be making mine in flash to allow me to create effects.
Interactivity throughout your portfolio is key to optimise the users experience, having simple interactive components such as buttons, rollovers and tweens gives the portfolio more interest and appeal to it. In my portfolio I will be including simple interactive elements to attract clients and viewers. Other interactive elements include web banners, advertisements and e-learning content, these are clever and simple ways to advertise your work and you could include your adverts on other websites to expand potential audience.
Overall digital portfolios are an advanced way to promote your own work, they offer many advantages and by creating my own digital portfolio and know it will be beneficial for my future.
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